Embark on a Life-Changing Journey with Dr. Fuhrman's Weight Loss Detox Program

Discover the Power of Nutrition to Shed Unwanted Pounds and Maintain Your Ideal Weight Permanently.

Price: $347

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Join hands with Dr. Fuhrman and renowned health experts on a transformative weight loss detox journey.

Instantly Unlock Access to this Revolutionary Program

The Weight Loss Detox include video lectures, an easily downloadable guide on Transformation 20: Intermittent Fasting complete with meal plans and recipes, and entry to our virtual classroom.


Let's Talk About Nutritional Science

The most cutting-edge and reputable scientific research shows that when you eat the right foods:

  • Reaching your ideal weight becomes easy, quick, and sustainable.
  • It’s possible to reverse your high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and even autoimmune disease.
  • You will reduce your risk of cancer, Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, and other health challenges.
  • Mental health and mood can steadily and measurably improve.
  • Be amazed as unhealthy food cravings vanish and you feel satisfied after each meal.

No more yo-yo dieting, no more counting calories, no more guesswork.

After the detox say goodbye to headaches, fatigue, sickness, and brain fog

  • Reach your optimal weight through healthy eating. 
  • Lower your risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes.
  • Normalize blood pressure and cholesterol, without toxic drugs.
  • Harness the incredible healing power of food with an easy to follow meal plan and recipe guide.

Dr. Fuhrman has over 30 years of clinical experience helping his patents lose weight and reverse serious diseases with nutritional excellence. Now he will teach you the steps to superior health.

What's Included in the Weight Loss Detox

Learn how to practice nutrient-dense eating as you transform your health in 21 days.

21-Day Meal Plan Focused on Intermittent Fasting

Printed booklet with delicious plant-based recipes, plus education, shopping lists, and a stock-your-Nutritarian pantry guide.

Video Lectures

Immerse yourself in this healthy lifestyle with classes taught by Dr. Fuhrman and his team that focus on nutrition, cooking, exercise, and coaching sessions. These lectures are pre-recorded, so you can watch them on your schedule.

Transcripts, Worksheets, and Education

You'll receive all module transcripts so you can read along and highlight the information that is most important to you.

Get answers to frequently asked questions plus coaching sessions

Learn from the world-renowned doctor who has inspired countless success stories, as he tackles frequently-asked questions during these recorded Q&A and coaching sessions.

3 Months of Gold Membership

Unlock over 2100+ recipes, the member forums, the health tracker and product discounts. This is an all-access pass to DrFuhrman.com and you will love all the benefits and education.

*New members only

Private Facebook Group & Motivational Emails

Connect with people who share your wellness goals in our private, online Nutritarian Network forum. Our participants thrive while they share their meals, victories, and challenges with support. 

You'll have access to the Weight Loss Detox program classroom for two months from your date of purchase, so you'll be able to repeat the program.

Every year our participants call the Weight Loss Detox life-changing, transformational, and delicious.

“I love my lifestyle because I have energy and feel great. The best part is that I feel like I am in my 20’s, which I didn’t feel like when I was my 20’s because I was more than 200 pounds and lethargic!”

– Susan R.  Lost 31.6 lbs.

“I enjoy meals now more than I ever have, which I did not think was possible. I am so happy and love how my clothes fit. I have so much energy so that getting outside for exercise is now something I look forward to every day. Dr. Fuhrman taught me what true hunger is and I went from having an unsettled stomach daily, to not feeling my stomach at all anymore. I am living the life that I truly believe in; finally have self-control and feel free!”

-Marlise, Lost 34 lbs.

“Everything was bursting with flavor and the combinations were extremely tasty. Now I plan for each week and shop for all my ingredients ahead of time so that I always have good nutritious food on hand.”

– Brandi K.  Lost 38.4 lbs.

The Weight Loss Detox Right For You If...

  • You’ve been struggling to lose weight, and nothing seems to work.
  • You want a way to lose the weight and keep it off for good. 
  • You want to lower your risk of getting heart disease, cancer, or diabetes.
  • You want a scientifically-proven way to reverse early-stage cancer or diabetes.
  • You want to earn a normal blood pressure and normal cholesterol and throw away those toxic pills.  
  • Your doctor wants to prescribe you a handful of medications, but you want to get healthy the natural way.
  • You don’t want to depend on pharmaceuticals, and you're tired of the nauseating side effects of your medication.
  • You already know that food is your REAL medicine. 
  • You want to live a long, healthy life where you feel full of energy. (And not depression or fatigue from prescriptions). 
  • You don’t buy into the idea that pain, fatigue, and drugs have to be a part of aging.
  • You have a family history of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, and you don’t want to follow that same fate.

Even when you know what you “should” do... How do you stay inspired and on track?

Your health goes way beyond eating less and exercising more. Most mainstream practitioners are only trained to give out pills. Dive into the world of nutrition with education and an action plan from a physician who cares about your long term health.

Get 21 days of lessons in each of the 10+ video modules led by Dr. Fuhrman and his team.

Gain crucial knowledge from the comfort of your own home. Like Netflix, but better, because this information can save your life.

Achieve Superior Health Through the Enjoyment of Nutritious Foods!

Enjoy 60+ of Dr. Fuhrman’s favorite and delicious plant-based recipes that make weight loss EASY

  • Be amazed at how much you enjoy the delicious Nutritarian recipes and meal plans.
  • Learn how to eat for health when Dr. Fuhrman guides you through the science and latest nutritional breakthroughs.
  • Learn to cook some Nutritarian staple recipes and cooking methods you will use time and time again.

Some of today's most common and deadly diseases - like cancer, obesity, heart disease, and more - begin in the kitchen.

Enjoy video lectures, cooking class and coaching sessions over 21 days

Welcome Zoom Webinar
Tour your Weight Loss Detox classroom and get motivated for success!

Module 1: Advances in Nutritional Science with Dr. Fuhrman

Module 2: Building Healthy Habits with Jenna Fuhrman

Module 3: Slow Aging and Beat Cancer Video Lecture with Dr. Fuhrman

Module 4: FAQ's with Dr. Fuhrman & Jenna
Watch: Dr. Fuhrman answers frequently asked questions

Module 5: Cooking Demonstrations with Jenna Fuhrman

Module 6: Q&A Session with Dr. Fuhrman

Module 7: Exercise Classes with Dr. Fuhrman
Watch: Workout with Dr. Fuhrman as he explains and demonstrates the most important exercises broken up in 4 parts throughout the program.

Module 8: Strategize For Success and Uncover Hidden Barriers with Randi Carbone R.N.

Module 9: Prevent and Reverse Disease with Dr. Fuhrman

Module 10: Recorded Group Coaching with Nutritarian coaches, Randi & Rachel Discuss frequent challenges and victories with these Nutritarian experts.

Model 11: Final Q&A with Dr. Fuhrman

Watch Dr. Fuhrman's final question and answer session.

Over 2000+ 5 star program reviews

"The program has been very educational for me - and I love that the focus is on health. There are so many impacts that nutrition has on our bodies, and better understanding those is extremely helpful for my progress.  Weight is one component of health (an important one) but I like that the focus is more educational.  So far I've lost 13 pounds and feel much better."

"I love the taste of the food and the variety of meals. I also could not have completed the full 20 days without the videos and encouragement this program provides."

"I loved the community support and the video presentations - all the information and the knowledge I gained over these past 3 weeks. The wonderful recipes. Introduction to the 3 days eating, then 2 days eating - the back and forth made a lot of sense. The Facebook page and being able to have conversations with other participants."

"I really appreciated the structure, the manual with so much education and recipes! The classroom, with more opportunity to gain knowledge, the membership with a wealth of opportunity to learn! I loved Dr. Fuhrman’s direct, honest, and no nonsense answers to many many many questions!"

"The information was very helpful. I also liked the point made that being 100% on the diet will resolve most health issues and also the best way to tell one is 100% on the diet is that one is losing around 2 lbs a week."

"I was able to get my husband to join me and he said it probably saved his life!"

"I could go on and on about this program. I think the fact that I've been following Dr. Fuhrman since I found him on PBS (at 3 a.m. when I was up with GI distress) and since I read Eat to Live cover-to-cover in one sitting back in 2012, and then many of his other books, helped me get so much out of the Detox."

The web "user experience" of the online classroom was fantastic. Of course, Dr. Fuhrman, his family, and his staff are all terrific. The length of the course, 21 days, is perfect. I loved the videos and all the good nutritional science in the videos with Dr. Fuhrman. I loved Jenna's cooking videos and  Healthy Habits video. She is so much fun to watch (with her saying "Boom!" to finish a recipe, her interactions with the staff in the Retreat kitchen, and her worry that she gets the top firmly on the Vitamix, etc.).

"I loved the video lectures. They helped me stay focused on my goal. The food is satisfying too. In one of Jenna Fuhrman’s videos, she referenced ‘Atom Habits”, so I started listening to the audio book. It has proven to be a great resource for this food addict."

The video lectures, LOVED the dynamic duo of  Mrs. Furhman and her sister! Just so so helpful. I also love the recipe box and the features to add serving sizes that is genius!

"I have learned so much!  I've loved listening to Dr. Fuhrman's wife, Lisa, and daughter, Jenna.  They've gave out so many helpful tips.  I will continue to improve and learn.  Thank you so much!!"

"The factual information Dr Fuhrman provided about research studies regarding the relationship between nutrition (specific foods) and obesity and outcomes: BMI, blood pressure, diabetes, heart/coronary disease, dementia, longevity,   I'm leveraging it for my logical decision-making and  using it to educate my meat & potato husband. i also appreciated the practical tips in the menu and given in the lectures!"

"I appreciate Dr. Fuhrman and all of the lecturers sharing the science and practical information behind every element of the program.  When Dr. Fuhrman answers questions with recommendations he explains why and always discusses in detail what is happening to your body with the choices you make good and bad. To be educated on this subject for the first time at my age allowing me and others to take control of our health destiny is really invaluable. That is just what I needed!"

The information and the support.  The Speakers / Teachers, were very good. They were relaxed, knowledgeable, you could tell they cared. I enjoyed Dr Fuhrman’s Daughter’s playful attitude. She was casual enough so you felt you could make the recipe too. I bought the book she recommended Atomic Habits, very good. She reminded me of my own daughter. I am a nurse, so I am familiar with the science behind the diet and know Dr Fuhrman is correct.

"I loved the variety of recipes. We enjoyed ALL the recipes and found some new favorites. It still amazes me how such seemingly simple ingredients can be both healthy and delicious. I also appreciated the support from Dr Fuhrman's staff, including many of his own family members. They all made you feel welcome and like you had a caring friend coming alongside you and encouraging you every step of the way.  My favorite part was breaking thru my weight loss plateau! And receiving the knowledge to understand why I was at that plateau and what to do about it. Now I feel like a real Nutritarian!"

"I love how I feel. I enjoyed the meals.  It is nice to feel healthier and to lose some of the weight that I want to and need to get off of my body.  I enjoyed the classes and the reading materials. I learned so much that will help to give me better health in my future."

Your Health is Your Greatest Wealth.

I want to empower you with the all the education you need to get off the dieting rollercoaster. Because your life, your health, and your happiness are at stake.

Through medical practice, books, and online events, I’ve guided thousands of patients to lose weight and keep it off.  And I arm them with the same information … Now it's your turn to transform your health and eat to live!